Undergraduate section

This section has selected articles that may benefit psychiatry teachers who are keen in undergraduate psychiatry. Updated list shall be added soon. If any Indian teacher of psychiatry is interested to join this platform please register in registration section and email us at itopugs@gmail.com. The IToP discussion is encouraged in respective google groups.

  • CBM-Psychiatry-2020-AIIMS-Rishikesh
    A summary of a 2-day deliberation involving experts from all over India and abroad at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, on undergraduate psychiatry training. The group meticulously reflected upon all aspects of undergraduate psychiatric training, and deliberations were held on opportunities and challenges for psychiatry in the new competency-based MBBS curriculum.
  • ITOPs workshop on engaging UGs in theory and clinics . This outlines the workshop conducted in 2006 for Undergraduate Psychiatry Teachers on how to involve UGs in theory and clinics.
  • Ebook-Glimpses-of-psychiatry-for-doctors-and-medical-students. A unique book for medical undergraduates on psychiatry comprising of concise articles, narratives from senior consultants, Myths & Facts, MCQs, Crosswords & chapters on selected psychiatry topics . The book also has over 20 specialty articles spanning Anatomy to Cardiology in the section on consultation liaison psychiatry written by experts in those fields, stressing the importance of psychiatry in all areas of medical science.
  • Innovative ways customizing UG training, 2015. This article is about innovative ways and customising training in undergraduate psychiatry
  • UG training IndianJPsychiatry, 2016. This paper highlights how mental health services in India strongly depends on undergraduate psychiatric training. The authors discuss how this goal can be achieved by working on a diverse and sustained approach to train medical students despite constraints and by actively training and motivating teachers in Psychiatry.
  • Role of psychiatry teachers training in India, 2019. A reflection on how psychiatry teachers training in teaching play crucial role and the potential opportunities for organizations to be actively involved in this process.
  • Survey of Indian Teachers of Psychiatry. A survey of psychiatry teachers to improve quality of psychiatry training and the need for forum for Indian Teachers of Psychiatry
  • COVID19 Crisis-There is a need to reconsider UG psychiatry training in India 
  • MINDS is a monthly newsletter launched in July 2011 on Psychiatry in its simple format for doctors and medical students which has crisp seven sections. There is an exclusive section for Undergraduates with Quiz and Crosswords.


  • The Medical Council of India (MCI) recently rolled out the new module on pandemic management, with the intention to train Indian medical graduates to tackle the situation of a pandemic. We proposed inclusion of the mental health aspects of the pandemic in the module. MBBS training is a crucial component in delivery of health services in India; a revision in module of pandemic management is needed to incorporate essential skills in identification and management of common psychological ailments such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. The lack of training for MBBS students in the crucial domains of knowledge and skills of mental health will lead to serious deficits in public health services in the management of pandemic. Please see the published article in Indian Journal of Psychiatry

  • An e-book on MCQ’s in Psychiatry, Psychology & Psychiatric Social Work
  • CBME Psychiatry UG Manual
  • The One Thing I Would Like to Tell You- A concept book for UGs

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