This section has selected articles that may benefit psychiatry teachers who are keen in postgraduate psychiatry. Updated list shall be added soon. If any Indian teacher of psychiatry is interested to join this platform please register in registration section and email us at The IToP discussion is encouraged in respective google groups
Psychiatry History Format and Diagnostic Formulation
- National Webinar on psychiatry teachers conducted on 9th August 2020. Please visit
- Guidelines Postgraduate Psychiatry training in India released in 2003 by the Sub Committee of the Indian Psychiatric Society.
- IPS Task Force Guidelines for Post Graduate Psychiatry Training in India 2013
- The psychiatry requires various clinical and interpersonal skills not usually taught or used in the undergraduate medical course, and psychiatry postgraduates will have a lot of new and possibly confronting experiences, and it is during these times that they might look towards a guidance book can offer insight into the common challenges faced by a young resident, especially real-life experiences from people who have transcended similar situations. This book is for these future mental health professionals sharing the experiences of seniors on clinical work, academics, research and other relevant issues.
- A brief outline of the workshop conducted at ANCIPS on the Art of Training Postgraduate- Bedside Clinic & Beyond- It incorporates adult learning , UG and PG learning, specific learning objectives and domains of learning.
- This article outlines the suggestions by teachers of psychiatry about how future PG examination can be held in middle of COVID-19 Crisis
- As part of their academic endeavours, the Department of Psychiatry, D.Y. Patil School of Medicine, Navi Mumbai has initiated a lecture series for PG students of teaching departments across medical colleges, as well as those having DNB & CPS courses in and around Mumbai. (Link to the embedded webpage.)
- MINDS is a monthly newsletter launched in July 2011 on Psychiatry in its simple format for doctors and medical students which has crisp seven sections. There is an exclusive section for Undergraduates with Quiz and Crosswords. - The Medical Council of India (MCI) recently rolled out the new module on pandemic management, with the intention to train Indian medical graduates to tackle the situation of a pandemic. We proposed inclusion of the mental health aspects of the pandemic in the module. MBBS training is a crucial component in delivery of health services in India; a revision in module of pandemic management is needed to incorporate essential skills in identification and management of common psychological ailments such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. The lack of training for MBBS students in the crucial domains of knowledge and skills of mental health will lead to serious deficits in public health services in the management of pandemic. Please see the published article in Indian Journal of Psychiatry;year=2020;volume=62;issue=6;spage=750;epage=751;aulast=Tekkalaki - An e-book on MCQ’s in Psychiatry, Psychology & Psychiatric Social Work
- Art of Caring Emergency Minds – A concept book for Doctors

- Consensus on Mental State Examination Endorsed & Recommended by Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) Psychiatry Teachers Forum Subcommittee, IPS & Indian Teachers of Psychiatry (IToP)
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