Induction Program of IToP STEPS “Sunday Special 60 Mins with Psychiatry Teachers” A Pan India Platform To Share Experiences “Teachers Make a Difference”
We invite you to Sunday Special 60 Mins with Psychiatry Teachers”
A Pan India Platform To Share Experiences
“Teachers Make a Difference”
A Joint Initiative of IPS Faculty Training Task Force, IPS UG Education Sub- Committee and IPS PG Education Sub- Committee on Sunday 22 August 2021 Time 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Introduction Of The Program
Dr. Kiran Kumar K., Professor, VIMS & RC, Bengaluru (2 Minutes)
Introduction to the East Zone Chapter By Moderator
Dr. Sujit Sarkhel (3 Minutes)
Opening Remarks (10 Minutes)
Dr. Gautam Saha, President IPS
Dr. N N Raju, President Elect IPS
Dr. T S Sathyanaryana Rao, Secretary IPS Dr. (Surg. Cdr) K K Mishra, Treasurer IPS Dr. Om Prakash Singh, Editor IPS
The Journey So Far…
Dr. Kishor M (3 Minutes)
Introduction to the Speakers
Dr .Varun Mehta (2 Minutes)
Teaching experience of two decades in a premier psychiatric institute
Prof. Basudeb Das
Director, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi (10 Minutes)
Challenges of UG Psychiatry Teaching-
Dr. Ravi Kisku
Senior Resident, Rajendra Institute Of Medical Sciences, Ranchi (10 Minutes)
Learning Descriptive Psychopathology- A trainee perspective
Dr. Samiksha Singhai,
Junior Resident, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi (10 Minutes)
Closing Remarks and Discussion (10 Minutes)
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Online Program
Details in the attached Flyer