Induction Program of IToP STEP “Sunday Special 60 Mins with Psychiatry Teachers” A Pan India Platform To Share Experiences “Teachers Make a Difference”
We invite you to Sunday Special 60 Mins with Psychiatry Teachers”
A Pan India Platform To Share Experiences
“Teachers Make a Difference”
A Joint Initiative of IPS Faculty Training Task Force, IPS UG Education Sub- Committee and IPS PG Education Sub- Committee on Sunday 12th December 2021 Time 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Sl. No.
1. Introduction of The Program
Dr. Kiran Kumar K., Professor, VIMS & RC, Bengaluru – 02 Min
2. Opening remarks and Introduction of speakers by Moderator:
Dr. Sujit Sarkhel – 03 Min
3. Topic: “Teacher vs Mentor”
Speaker: Dr. RK Lenin Singh Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, Regional Institute Of Medical Sciences, Imphal. – 15 Min
4. Topic: “Teaching UGs during Pandemic days: The NEIGRIHMS Experience”
Speaker: Dr. Arvind Nongpiur, Assistant Professor, North East Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences, Shillong – 15 Min
5. Topic: “When I look back……..”
Speaker: Dr. Steve Cherak R Marak, Third year Post Graduate Trainee, Department of Psychiatry Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal -10 Min
6. Discussion & Closing Remarks – 15 Min
Meeting ID: 832 6381 1178
Passcode: sunday
Initiative Supported by Minds United For Health Sciences & Humanity Trust & Indian Teachers of Psychiatry Forum
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Details in the attached Flyer